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Masonic fingerprints on George Floyd psyop

By Icaros
June 2, 2020 Anno Domini

Readers have been writing to tell us the riots and uprisings we had predicted seem to be occurring in the USA. Even though there is little doubt such violence was catalyzed by the frustration involved in weeks of house arrest, we believe there is still something missing; the story hasn’t fully taken shape yet.

Indeed these riots are still very one-sided in terms of dialectic; they correspond to the “thesis”. The antithesis were the armed protests against the lockdowns a few weeks back. While this destruction is happening, one that is clearly being fueled and exaggerated by the legacy propaganda, the “other side” (i.e. Trump and the “right”) is condemning it.

What we are waiting for is some kind of amalgamation of the thesis and antithesis: in other words we are waiting for a synthesis to form. To use the former archetypes, Occupy needs to be fighting alongside the Tea Party; in today’s jargon, BLM needs to be fighting alongside the “three percenters”. If this ever happens (more specifically: if the MSM ever starts saying it is), that would be a powerful sign that something historic is indeed happening.

This is the kind of story we are keeping an eye out for (archive 1, archive 2). When this kind of narrative becomes mainstream, when propaganda officers start saying the people are “uniting”, is when we’ll know we’re dealing with a “season finale” rather than an episodic story arc.

We continue to think things will play out in France before the USA. In that country we are waiting for the “Gilets Jaunes” to be rioting alongside the “banlieusards”; two seemingly opposing sides of the same dialectic need to reconcile for a synthesis to start forming. In the USA, it will probably have to wait until after Trump’s reelection.

Let us be clear: we are not prescient. We don’t know how things will play out in detail, or when and how the narrative will shape exactly. We are spectators of what we realize to be a reality TV show, trying to anticipate how the showrunners may have decided to play out the story. Just as you may be able to tell early in a movie that the woman will end-up kissing the hero, that doesn’t mean there aren’t going to be surprises in the scenario; and indeed good movies often involve surprises.

About the George Floyd death video itself, it seems to us like a cinematic production. Our assessment is it’s fake and that nobody died; at the very least it was a staged execution. Of course that doesn’t mean the modern USA isn’t a carceral society and violent police State; indeed it is. It’s just the truth isn’t featured on the telescreens.

The reason we arrive at this conclusion is we know central planners are obsessed with symbols, words and numbers; we thus recognize these aspects in the narration. The villain’s first name is Derek: it is derived from a Germanic name meaning“people ruler”. It’s the perfect first name for a cop. His last name is “Chauvin”, which designates an extreme form of nationalism. In other words Derek Chauvin has the perfect name for the role he is playing, a racist costume-wearing thug symbolizing “white oppression”.

George Floyd was given a very archetypal African American name, which reduces to 119 in simple gematria. That number (and its direct equivalent 911) is extremely significant for the central planners, as it represents the mythological date on which both Solomon’s temples were destroyed (9th day of the 11th month). It symbolizes catastrophe; that’s why the attacks in NYC happened on 9/11, why the emergency number is 911, why the Nice massacre happened 911 days after Lagarde’s famous numerology speech (archive), why breaking ground for the Pentagon’s construction happened on 9/11/41 (60 years before 9/11), why George HW Bush’s infamous “new world order” speech occurred on 9/11/90 (11 years before 9/11), etc. etc.

Other details comfort our hypothesis the event is a hoax or staged:

It’s a big joke. Welcome to the circus. Welcome to kayfabe.

The riots themselves are of course, and this is much less controversial, being fueled. Bricks are being left at strategic places; agent provocateurs have been proven to be taking part in the riots (archive, archive); the scene of CNN’s black reporter “getting arrested” (archive) live on air was evidently scripted; the media is doing everything in its power to enrage the people, etc.

Then there’s the context: the manufactured outrage surrounding this other scripted story, that of “Ahmaud Arbrery”having happened just recently (or perhaps it’s a coincidence his name sounds like “armed robbery”).

We realize all this must sound crazy to people who aren’t fully familiar with the scripted nature of “reality”. We sincerely believe it to be the truth however, so we spell it out as best we understand it, regardless of how it makes us look. Of course nothing is peremptory, and there is always room left for doubt.

We can promise one thing: we will keep trying to falsify this understanding. If we ever reach the conclusion we are wrong, we will admit it, and we will present our sincerest apologies.

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