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Pacepa’s misreading of Operation SIG

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
August 28, 2019 Anno Domini

Soviet Romanian defector Ion Mihai Pacepa’s message to the world is a simplistic narrative of the Soviet Union pursuing a campaign to destroy Israel and the Jews, but it’s unclear why.

Soviet anti-Semitism as state policy is a decades-old myth that can only be Jewish disinformation itself, as it serves to distance the Jewish elite and the State of Israel from communism and its controlling organs in Russia and the East Bloc, thus protecting the hidden core of anti-Christ Jewish power in the world.

Operation SIG (Jewish-controlled government), a 1970s KGB plan to control the Middle East through conflict, seems to be a real KGB operation, as it is paralleled by known Israeli strategies like the Oded Yinon Plan (1982). It calls for perpetual conflict through Balkanizing the Arab world by arming and financing warring factions, including against Israel itself. Several Israeli dissidents, like Jack Bernstein and Victor Ostrovsky, corroborate Yinon’s prescriptions. For example, Ostrovsky writes in his book The Other Side of Deception,

“Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan for the region. An Arab world run by fundamentalists would not be a party to any negotiations with the West, thus leaving Israel again as the only democratic, rational country in the region. And if the Mossad could arrange for the Hamas (Palestinian fundamentalists) to take over the Palestinian streets from the PLO, then the picture would be complete”. —pg. 297

Israel’s long-running Likud party has ruled on policies that appear to be lifted straight from Yinon and Operation SIG. Likud itself was created by Russian and East Bloc Jews like Yitzhak Shamir (former Prime Minister of Israel and Mossad head). Operation SIG’s apparent purpose and direction fits in nicely with the Yinon Plan, yet Pacepa and analysts of Pacepa’s revelations fail to make the obvious connections and draw the correct conclusions. Instead, they misinterpret the evidence that serves only to further victimize the Jewish people and the state of Israel, with the fate of the West only an afterthought in the scheme of things.

Bernstein writes in The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel,

“In viewing the 1973 War, most people and it seems most Arabs are of the impression that since Soviet Russia sold equipment to Egypt and other Arab countries, the Soviets were in support of the Arabs in the 1973 War.This is a false impression. To understand that this is the result of more deceit on the part of Israel and the Soviet Union, you must be aware of the Golda Meir — Stalin/ Kaganovich Pact … Israel’s part of the pact was … Israel would allow an official communist party to function freely in Israel … Israel would not make any agreement to solve the Palestinian problem … Israel was to continue its Marxist economic policies and prevent any free-enterprise tendencies.”

Bernstein then explains the Soviet Union’s part of the pact, “the Soviets would institute a pro-Arab policy solely as a camouflage for its true intentions which was to furnish aid to the Arabs, but never enough to enable the Arabs to destroy Israel; the Soviets would open the gates of Soviet satellite countries to Jewish immigration to Israel. Should this be insufficient, Soviet Russia then would open its own gates to immigration; the Soviets would absolutely guarantee the security of Israel…both the Soviet Union and Israel would exchange intelligence reports.”

Pacepa’s misreading of what Yinon, Ostrovsky, and Bernstein have clearly laid out perpetuates the deception behind Operation SIG by protecting the real engineers of it. Although Pacepa does include the West as a target of Operation SIG, he gets distracted by the Israeli angle and puts the West in the back seat. Perhaps Pacepa has been allowed to make the revealtions he has under the condition that Israel and the Jews be made the primary targets of Soviet operations.

The destruction of the West seems to be the primary objective for the KGB’s seeding of anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist sentiment in the Arab world (and in Latin America), with anti-Zionism being the convenient conduit by which to achieve this. Anti-Zionism is, in effect, a limited hangout, to use intelligence jargon. Pacepa’s rendering of Operation SIG also serves as a limited hangout, as it leaves no possibility of the Soviet conspiracy and world Jewry of being allies.

Pacepa hints at the truth of the matter, perhaps out of sheer ignorance, when he writes, “The KGB always regarded anti-Semitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism.” Pacepa quotes KGB head Yuri Andropov, suggesting that the KGB’s motive in running Operation SIG as primarily anti-Semitic. “We needed to instill a Nazi- style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist blood- bath against Israel”.

If the elite Jewish agenda in Israel is to maintain constant division and warring between Israel and its neighbours, then Andropov’s statement supports this. Pacepa misinterprets this because he doesn’t see that Israel is a Soviet satellite, or he is fake defector (I tend to think he is either a misinformed defector or a censored defector).
Balkanization not only makes it easier to control the Middle East, it also serves to discredit the West, as the West is portrayed as being responsible for the Balkanization of the Middle East through its supposed creation, Israel. Pacepa doesn’t provide a clear motive for his version of Operation SIG. If Russia seeks to destroy Israel and the Jews, then why? Israel doesn’t attack Russia or carry out disinformation against it. Israel’s government largely is compromised of Soviet-derived stock. Communism is largely a Jewish creation. Even today, Jews are overrepresented in communist, socialist, and Marxist movements. Pacepa’s narrative makes no sense, unless he believes the ridiculous notion that the Soviet Union hated Jews just because they were Jews. Pacepa and his supporters would be more believable if they had argued that Soviet motive was simply to control the Middle East as part of its world communist plot, but they just can’t help themselves. They have to victimize Jewry at each and every turn.

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