‘Pizzagate’ debunked point by point

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
June 2, 2019 Anno Domini

Dislcaimer: The following is a graphical illustration debunking several of the main claims of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory. The purpose in debunking this theory is not to exhonerate any of the accused (they could be guilty of crimes; I don’t know) but to shed light on the many inconsistencies and outright lies in the narrative and to point out the entire inogranic way the theory suddenly appeared and evolved, which is characteristic of a psyop—in this case, it seems, a KGB active measure operation, which tends to take bits of truth and turn them into seemingly plausible narratives for the purpose of anti-Western psyops.

Of course, we now know about all the KGB-Chabad-Mossad manoeuvrings to help Trump win the election, so it’s not far fetched to consider that some of the October Surprises and dirty tricks used during the runup to the previous U.S. federal election were KGB ops. The pizzagate psyop not only helped Trump defeat Hillary but it has also diverted the energy and attention of those interested in conspiracies and populists in general. Instead of investigating the Soviet conspiracy against the West to install one of their puppets, everyone is focused on this psyop and other paralell psyops like Flat Earth, Jade Helm, and others. This expose is not meant to be exhaustive, as the psyop runs deep, so I will just deal with the most important inconsistencies that prop up the entire narrative. For example, without the supposed pedophile code, that alone  demolishes the entire narrative.
I will add more graphics as I make them.



  1. Point by point? This is far from it. Too blind. Hope it is not wilful blindness.
    So pizzagate must be true, if the strongest opponent is so weak.

    1. “So pizzagate must be true, if the strongest opponent is so weak.”. – thats some cope right there.

      You clearly either didnt read the text before the images, or you just ignored it completely. Cope harder!

      “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ― Mark Twain

  2. Hardly a ‘debunking’ to be fair. There was far more than these extremely weak six points of evidence involved.

    Regarding “Lie number 1”, How do you know that clicking on the hashtag links to edible poultry given that alefantis locked down his profile within hours of Pizzagate operation going live?

    Regarding “Lie number 2”, there’s no evidence proving the podestas don’t own these paintings anymore than there is evidence to show they do. You can’t debunk an assertion with an assertion. Also, why do you further assert that “the supposed handkerchief is irrelevant” when you haven’t proven the premise you derive your opinion from?

    Regarding “Lie number 5”, In what world does it make sense to “be playing under the influence of food”? How does food affect a game of dominoes? How would there be a difference between cheese ‘influence’ and pasta ‘influence’? Thats if you take the words at face value, like a propagandised normie, and completely ignore the fact that theyre all paedophile codewords validated by the FBI. Speaking of which, you don’t even mention the paedophile symbols verified by the FBI database. You’ve also only selected one innocuous email rather than focus on the trove of FAR more incriminating emails.

    The only points that have actually been debunked here are points 3 & 4, and part of point 6. I don’t understand what you’re intention here is. The kindest assumption that I can make is that you intended to go through every single one of the thousands of data points, (as your title suggests), but for some reason haven’t done so. In which case, you’re not very committed. It doesnt make sense.

    I do agree about the inorganic execution and spread of Pizzagate, and the fact that its an obvious intelligence service psychological operation of some sort, as it fits the familiar pattern. Whether thats a disclosure operation by patriots, or a subversion operation, I’m not so sure.

    I think you’d have been better pointing out that it all started with Kremlin-controlled wikileaks, explain their dubious connections, and controlled release of information at that time, highlighting some of their inconsistencies, (the fact they never exposed Russia or Israel), and challenging people to go back and re-examine the evidence with a clear head.

    At the time, everyone was whipped up into an emotional frenzy, manipulated with NLP and fear-based mind-kontrol techniques, searching for answers with cognitive bias. Clearly mistakes are going to be made in that chaos, it doesn’t mean the whole thing is fake because you can find a few questionable samples. Those that were leading the research in the truth sphere at that time weren’t the brightest tools in the box. Neither were they all objective, trained researchers.

    Many were narcissistic opportunists, with mental health issues, like the Jewish lookalikes ‘David Seaman’ and ‘lift the veil’ for example. ‘Call for an uprising’ was another one, as was ‘Russian vids’ – both questionably Russian actors. Many people believed these two were the same person, but it’s difficult to verify given they’ve never shown their faces on camera.

    Then there’s the fake Christian cult-leaders, like ‘the vigilant Christian’, who had strong connections to CIA and freemasonry, and low IQ dullards like ‘Richie from Boston’, who believe everything is fake.

    It doesn’t however mean it’s not true – even if subversive forces were behind it’s release – active measures doesn’t always include ‘the big lie’. We know that SRA/pedophilia/torture are part of these sick psycho’s religion. Indeed, it’s how most of them are blackmailed/kontrolled.

    I’m not convinced the pizzagate theory itself is real, but I won’t dismiss it until there’s solid proof, because I’m open-minded, given that we know these networks do exist in high places. It appears to be a pre-cursor to the whole ‘Q’ psy-op imho. Now that does unquestionably seem like active measures, particularly given it’s a carbon copy of a Soviet plan from the Russian revolution.

    1. Also, regarding “Lie number 1”, where do you get the idea that it was claimed that “Chicken lover is gay code for young boys”? It wasn’t, because it’s always been understood that it’s code for adult males who abuse underage boys.

      Because, “chick” and “chicken” allegedly means little boy/girl to pedophiles. It certainly does to gays, because I personally know gays IRL that have used those words for years, as terms of endearment to address both boys and girls.

      Also, why do you assert that that the young child in the picture is a girl? Granted, it “looks like” a girl, but do you have any actual proof of that? Not that it really matters given what I’ve outlined above.

      Are you aware Timothy, that Alefantis was listed in the top 50 most powerful people in Washington at the time of Pizzagate? The list included Senators, Congressmen/women, Businessmen/women, millionaires, Billionairres etc

      He was quickly ushered onto Fox and other cable news channels when Pizzagate broke, in an effort to quickly shut it down. He was interviewed by their biggest star at the time, Megyn Kelly, given prime-time VIP treatment, and portrayed as a humble pizza shop owner, the poor gay victim of a baseless internet smear campaign.

      It’s almost like he holds extreme power over these people. Like Jimmy Saville did here in the UK. And theres an awful lot of similarities between those two.

      It seems like you’ve not even bothered casting a critical eye over the wealth of evidence involved. Rather, it seems, that you’ve simply decided that it fit’s your idea of a Russian psy-op, and you’ve googled counter-arguments to support your cognitive bias and simply reproduced them here, with very little objective, supporting evidence; it also seems that you’ve undertaken no fact-checking, nor critical analysis.

      Extremely disappointing dude, given how thorough you normally are

      1. The girl is Caris James, their god daughter, as she can clearly be identified by the many other photos of her on the Alefantis and associated social media accounts. I’ve already explained this in the article. It is not a boy; therefore, the whole chicken lover angle is completely irrelevant, so it’s moot to even debate what exactly chicken means in the homosexual underworld.

        1. Ok, so your reaction to my posts on this article is to completely ignore the many pertinent red-flags/points which I raise, and focus on one minor, trivial point, and dismiss that one minor point as “irrelevant”.

          Ok, I’ve treaded around carefully on this subject enough with you Fitz, giving you the benefit of my doubt. I was willing to assume you were acting in good faith – albeit lacking discernment, naively misguided and misinformed. Given your paltry reply and obvious inability to introspect, I think it’s fair to assume that you are, for whatever reason, in fact arguing in a bad faith way, clearly using emotive NLP, and employing numerous amounts of logical fallacies, rather than solid argumentation.

          I don’t know why you’re so obnoxiously attempting to defend/protect an obvious, proven pedophile. Particularly given what Christ said about those who harm the children. Enabling and/or protecting pedophiles is just as horrific a crime as the actual abuse imho.

          Any serious, respectable, and objective researcher, or popular blogger, who wants the real, unadulterated truth, need only spend minutes researching the facts of the Alefantis case to see him for who he is. Not to mention the networks he is part of – but you won’t have even bothered looking into that will you Fitz? At least I hope that’s the case, because the alternative is that you are willingly protecting child sex abusers.

          You don’t even need to do any deep research, because thousands of people have already uncovered the many mountains of evidence. Watch this 26min video which lays out, in simple terms, the pedo Alefantis and his pedo networks. Whether you remove this page, or allow it to stay up, will indicate what your real motive is for ignoring his child victims, whilst protecting a major child abuser, one of Washington DC’s “TOP 50 MOST POWERFUL MEN”!


          1. Ok, so your reaction to my posts on this article is to completely ignore the many pertinent red-flags/points which I raise, and focus on one minor, trivial point, and dismiss that one minor point as “irrelevant”.

            Did no such thing. What you feel is the most pertinent is not necessarily in actuality.

            Ok, I’ve treaded around carefully on this subject enough with you Fitz, giving you the benefit of my doubt. I was willing to assume you were acting in good faith – albeit lacking discernment, naively misguided and misinformed. Given your paltry reply and obvious inability to introspect, I think it’s fair to assume that you are, for whatever reason, in fact arguing in a bad faith way, clearly using emotive NLP, and employing numerous amounts of logical fallacies, rather than solid argumentation.

            Oh, so now I am using NLP? What proof do you have of this? Because I don’t want to accept your dimestore theory of Pizzagate, I am acting in bad faith?

            I don’t know why you’re so obnoxiously attempting to defend/protect an obvious, proven pedophile. Particularly given what Christ said about those who harm the children. Enabling and/or protecting pedophiles is just as horrific a crime as the actual abuse imho.

            Right on cue. When Pizzagaters can’t advance their absurdities on smarter people, they just accuse the naysayers of being pedo protectors. Talk about acting in bad faith. You are despicable.

            Any serious, respectable, and objective researcher, or popular blogger, who wants the real, unadulterated truth, need only spend minutes researching the facts of the Alefantis case to see him for who he is. Not to mention the networks he is part of – but you won’t have even bothered looking into that will you Fitz? At least I hope that’s the case, because the alternative is that you are willingly protecting child sex abusers.

            I wrote a clear disclaimer saying that my debunking was in no way claiming that Alefantis was innocent of anything but only addressing the erroneous accusations against as brought up by the intelligence operation of Pizzagate. Again, when you are losing your argument, you resort to the emotional appeal of protecting the children.

            You don’t even need to do any deep research, because thousands of people have already uncovered the many mountains of evidence. Watch this 26min video which lays out, in simple terms, the pedo Alefantis and his pedo networks. Whether you remove this page, or allow it to stay up, will indicate what your real motive is for ignoring his child victims, whilst protecting a major child abuser, one of Washington DC’s “TOP 50 MOST POWERFUL MEN”!

            Then why do you bother posting here if it’s so open and shut? Obviously, there is deep seated doubt in your mind about the theory, so you are coming here for confirmation, but when you don’t get it, you get all bent out of shape and act irrationally. You’re either a shill or a confused person not big enough to admit he may have been mistaken. And it’s been noted that you fail to make a distinction between Pizzagate and legitimate organized pedophilia. The only reason for this can be to legitimize your theory, regardless of the facts–all in bad faith.

  3. Kudos and sympathies, Sir Fitz. Once people INVEST their egos in a patent crock like Pizzagate, they become incapable of reexamining it honestly. To do that they’d have to admit they were stupid to fall for it in the first place, and that’s assuming they aren’t psy-oppers themselves, which… You just never know, do you? What I do know for sure is that 1) the “Jews” hatch all such crap, to keep us dumb goy cattle divided and bickering amongst ourselves instead of uniting against them, and 2) that the open comments of any website such as yours are always maggot-swarms of “Jew” moles pretending to be “fellow Truthers.” For every genuine Truther there are probably ten “Jews,” whose methods of deception are often very elaborate and sophisticated.
    Back in 2003 and ’04 I witnessed first hand as “Jew” moles piled all over 9-11 Truth, 10:1, and turned controlled demolition of the twin towers into “the key that will unravel and expose the whole thing.” Actually it was the “key” to sending the whole movement into a death spiral of tin-hattery over technical minutiae 99.99% of them didn’t really understand and were totally unqualified to debate, while meanwhile the real meat–what about the dancing Israelis? What about Atta’s Mossad next-door neighbors in Hollywood Florida? In other words, the emphasis that REALLY DOES tear the lid off 9-11– dried up and blew away.
    They did the same thing with “Holocaust denial.” IT WAS “JEWS” THEMSELVES who gave “Holocaust denial” all the publicity, because it turns the whole debate into “what did those Evil Germans do or not do?” instead of “what did “Jews” do for 20 years before all that (manipulating WW-I; the “Bolshevik” revolution; the Red Terrors all over Europe) that gave Fascism its whole cassus belli in the first place?” You see? The deception has to do with which questions our attention is held on, which is a whole meta-level that has nothing to do with the stated subject of debate. This is what I mean by ‘sophisticated.’
    They’re doing the same thing with “global warming / greenhouse gases,” which now has all of Environmentalism sidelined into “fossil fuels are EVIL” which is a gerbil wheel they’re just going to run around in forever. Fifty years ago Environmentalism’s main event was checking human population growth and “economic development”– the REAL causes of global warming and every other environmental problem– but the Planet Jew investor class WANTS those things, so it used “media” and edJEWcation to brainwash environmentalists to be all about “global warming.”
    “Chemtrails…” “Fluoride is a communist plot…” The list of such BS they’ve floated is endless and goes back decades, undoubtedly millennia.
    But hey, as long as we keep being this f__ing stupid, that this sort of thing keeps working on us, are the “Jews” wrong to think we’re stupid?

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