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The Left’s fake anti-Russia narrative explained

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
Jan. 12, 2019 Anno Domini

The Jewish money power has set up the Western Left to oppose only a caricature of Putinist Russia, as part of a false dichotomy ruse to confuse and demoralize the public.

This caricature has been carefully crafted as some far-right, “xenophobic”, fascist regime that is allying itself with other similar regimes in Europe, including in Hungary, Poland, and France. And more disturbingly, the media, both in the West and in Russia, is portraying Orthodox Christianity as a driving force behind this supposed fascist bloc.

To the Left, this is just further confirmation Christianity and conservatism are authoritarian and generally bad for societal progress. To the equally misinformed Right, Putinist Russia is a champion of authentic conservatism, anti-globalism, and of Christianity. Therefore, Western conservatives ought to support Putinist Russia over even its own Western leaders, who are nothing but corrupt and immoral.

But what is really happening is that the money power is leading both sides to a predetermined outcome, with neither the Left legitimately opposing nor the Right cognizantly supporting the true Russia.

Russia is not fascist. It is the same Russia as that established by Vladimir Lenin at the time of the October Revolution, only this time, it’s wearing a new mask. As part of its global conquest, it is only using conservatism to bait Westerners into supporting the final collapse of the Western system, which is clearly on its last legs. This collapse has been carefully engineered for decades by the crypto-Soviet’s long-range strategists. Meanwhile, the Left is playing the all-too-willing opponent, going along with the whole charade. To make it all the more convincing, the money power is allowing the Left to expose, to a certain degree, Russia’s ongoing KGB active measures, the biggest of which being the Soviet placement of Donald Chump in the White House (Obama, too, was KGB installed). However, this revelation of Russia’s active measures is not being portrayed as part of Russia’s true communist/collectivist agenda but, instead, as a fascist, therefore Christian, plot. See the twist? How clever.
Communism commits the crime but its enemy takes the fall for this crime.

This is where we are at today. The more the Left opposes the fascist caricaturized Russia, the further the Right feels confirmed in supporting Russia. The result is a further polarization of the two Western sides, further division, and further vulnerability to external forces. Russia and its Sino-Semitic alliance is the sole beneficiary in this divide-and-conquer game.

If the Left were legitimately opposed to Russia, they would identify and reveal the Soviet long-range game going on. They would ally themselves with the Right in the face of external threat. If the Right knew the real Russia, it wouldn’t be supporting its own demise but, instead, it would work to reform its corrupt and immoral leadership in the West. That is the only defense against the Soviet threat. But neither side is doing what they should. This is proof that they are both being led to a predetermined outcome—by the Jewish money power. The goals of the crypto-Soviet Union is the same as that of World Jewry—global collectivism, with Christianity, nationalism, tradition, and conservatism snuffed out forever.

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