Evidence of vote fraud in Irish gay marriage referendum

By Jude Duffy
December 12, 2015 Anno Domini

Michael Hoffman’s infatuation with Protestantism – Part III
Part I | Part II

It should go without saying that no sane Catholic would deny the problem of child abuse among Catholic clergy – and the even larger problem of “ephebic” abuse (around 80 per cent of the convictions of Catholic priests for sexual offences involved adolescent youths – a fact almost never mentioned by liberal pro-homosexual critics of the Church). The real argument is not that Catholic bishops have no case to answer, but that the singling out of the Catholic Church over clerical sex abuse is a particularly poisonous reheating of ancient Zio/Protestant/Masonic black legends. Hoffman himself frequently complains, with plenty of justification, that the corporate media ignore the huge scandal of rabbinical abuse, but he himself, in common with the corporate media, ignores the many cases of clerical abuse in Protestant denominations – abuse that plenty of Protestants – to their credit – have condemned the media for deliberately suppressing (1). If one were to read only the corporate media, one might assume that only Catholic clergy had ever been found guilty of abuse of children and adolescents; if one were to read only the Protestant fan-boy Hoffman, one would assume that only Catholic AND Jewish clergy had been found guilty of such abuse.

Like most Trads, Hoffman accepts without question the official results of the May, 2015 Irish “gay marriage” referendum – another example of how much faith he places in mainstream narratives – as long they don’t very directly impinge on questions relating to the Jews and the state of Israel. To put it bluntly, anyone who takes the results of Irish referendums at face value clearly doesn’t know much about the systemic corruption of Irish politics – or western politics generally. To cite just a few examples of this corruption:

A chance recount in the 2009 Irish European parliamentary elections in a west-of-Ireland constituency revealed that 3,000 votes had been taken from a pro-Palestinian, anti-EU activist and given to a much more pro-establishment, pro-EU candidate. The count took place in Castlebar, the heartland of the deeply corrupt rabidly pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny. The really revealing thing about this scandal was the (non) reaction to it on the part of both the Irish media and the Irish Garda (police). The following day’s Irish Times newspaper noted the “misallocation” only in passing, and the state broadcaster RTE (“Rothschild Televised Effluent”) ignored it completely. According to the candidate who was the victim of this clear attempt to nobble the election, the Irish police refused his repeated requests to investigate the matter. It must be stressed that this fraud came to light completely by happenstance – a sombre fact that raises the question of just how many other attempts to nobble the voting process have gone unnoticed – and thereby succeeded.

In 2011, RTE’s tele-text service correctly stated the outcome of the Irish Presidential election several hours before voting had stopped, even though the opinion polls a day before had put the rabidly left-liberal winning candidate between 15 to 20 points behind a much more socially conservative rival. This weird phenomenon of television and radio broadcasters announcing the correct result of elections, hours, days, or even weeks, before voting has taken place, will be familiar to Americans acquainted with Jim Condit Jr.’s research on U.S. electoral fraud.

In the 2009 re-run of the Irish EU Lisbon Treaty referendum, there was an extraordinarily uncanny 20 per cent swing from the anti-treaty side to the pro-treaty side in EVERY SINGLE CONSTITUENCY. Video footage of the referendum count centre in Cork City on the night after voting had ended, showed a man walking out of the count centre with a ballot box tucked under his arm! No police, security checks, or supervision of any kind was evident at the centre, and people walked in and out of the building as they pleased – even though it was in the small hours of the morning, and the goods in the hall (the ballot papers) could not have been more politically and constitutionally significant – not just for Ireland, but for the whole of Europe (Ireland was the only state, the constitution of which necessitated a referendum on the Lisbon treaty – if the result had been NO for a second time, the Lisbon Treaty, aka the European Union Constitution, would surely have died). The same lack of supervision was true of other count centres throughout Ireland.

Alone among western nations, Ireland insists, for reasons that have never been questioned, much less explained, in delaying the counting of votes until the day after voting has taken place. Almost all other states begin counting votes minutes after voting has ended. If you want to rig an election or referendum, having 12 hours to play around with definitely helps.

In a transparent attempt to explain away the unlikely nature of the same-sex marriage (SSM) referendum result, the Irish media made the utterly outlandish claim that 100,000 young Irish emigrants made the journey home in order to vote for the proposal. This is preposterous – about as likely as suggesting that fifty million young Americans would travel home from abroad to vote in the final of American Idol. The idea that young Irish people would go to the enormous trouble and expense of travelling home from often insecure jobs in far flung locations such as Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and Canada, to vote in this farce, in itself goes a long way towards proving that the vote was systematically rigged. Moreover, workers at Dublin Airport, whom I have spoken to, readily confirmed to me that there was no unusual spike in the number of Irish travelling home in the days leading up to the referendum.

The Irish Garda (police force) and the Irish Law Society both took an openly pro-SSM stance. Both of these bodies are mandated to be above politics, and both are – in their different ways – crucial to the integrity of state procedures such as elections and referendums. Yet both openly flouted constitutional norms in order to support the SSM proposal. If that is not a recipe for systematic fraud, hidden in plain sight, what is?

The SSM vote was only one of two referendums taking place that day. The other referendum related to changing the law to lower the age when Irish citizens could stand for the Irish Presidency – from 35 years of age to 18. That proposal was defeated! So, if, as the Irish and international media claimed, it was young people voting in droves that delivered the SSM victory, one would have expected a similar victory for the other referendum proposal. Why would “progressive-minded” young people, of the type who would vote for SSM, vote to bar themselves from standing for the presidency of their country until they reach middle-age?

The official results from Ireland’s hard-core working-class constituencies indicated an astonishing 90 per cent vote in favour of the SSM proposal. Anyone familiar with the Irish working class knows that they tend to be “homophobic” for reasons that have little or nothing to do with organised religion, so the idea, touted by everyone from the New York Times to the Remnant, that the vote could be explained as a rebellion against the Church simply doesn’t wash.

International oligarchs such as Chuck Feeney and George Soros poured billions into the Irish pro-SSM campaign.
Where did all that money go? Postering and leafleting cost next to nothing in a small country like Ireland. Does the real money trail lead to the purchase of holiday villas and new cars by referendum officials, police officers, and others charged with overseeing the integrity of the Irish voting process? Anyone who has read Brian Nugent’s book about Irish state corruption, “Orwellian Ireland”, would say that such a scenario is far from unlikely.

In a way, Hoffman’s facile response to the Irish referendum official result brings us to the crux of “the Hoffman problem”. The huge evidence of vote fraud throughout the West should make every professed media sceptic or “revisionist” extremely cautious about drawing conclusions based on the results of referendums or elections – not just in Ireland, but pretty much everywhere. Only last week, Nigel Farage, the leader of the British “Euro-sceptic” party, UKIP, called the result of a by-election in north-west England “perverse” – and hinted strongly that the election had been rigged. The pro-Palestinian campaigner and bête noire of British Zionists, George Galloway, made similar allegations of fraud in relation to his own loss of a huge majority at the last British general election.
Many Britons believe the Zio-Tory victory in that general election was down to carefully co-ordinated rigging in several key constituencies. By the same token, Russian election monitors stated categorically that the Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014 was likewise rigged.

Yet Hoffman finds it much easier to question the integrity of the Catholic Church’s many historical condemnations of Freemasonry, than to question the integrity of the actions of the Freemasons themselves in the here and now.
His relentless attacks on the Catholic Church are not the product of detached sceptical scholarship, but of irrational hatred, and perhaps some irrational love – of Protestantism – as well. There IS a case to be made that the institutional Catholic Church had begun compromising with the New World Order well before Vatican II, but someone who seeks to whitewash the corrupt and subversive influence of the Protestant Revolution is the very last person to make that case. If the pre-Vatican II Church can be blamed for anything, surely it is its undue cosiness with usurious-Judaeo-Protestant regimes.


(1) “Garda Union Urges Members To Vote Yes In Referendum”: http://www.independent.ie – April 21, 2015.
(2) Baroness O’Loan “appalled” at Garda referendum intervention” – IrishTimes.com – April 30 -2015.
(3) “Ombudsman Reviews European Vote Investigation”: http://www.villagemagazine.ie – April 2, 2010.
(4) “Vote Manipulation in Ireland in Run-up to Lisbon 2 “: http://WWW.youtube – Sep 22, 2009.
(5)” Irish Referendum Count At Cork City Hall”: http://WWW.youtube – October 7, 2009: This short video exposes the complete lack of supervision at one of the major vote counting centres for the crucial rerun of the Irish EU Lisbon Treaty referendum of 2009. It should be noted that the outcome of this referendum had vital implications, not just for Ireland, but for the whole EU integration project.
(6) “Ballot Box Problems, Broken Laws Cast Doubt on Irish Lisbon Referendum Result.” corbettreport.com – 8 October 2010.
(7) “Lisbon Referendum in Ireland Was Rigged”: The Tap Blog – Oct 5, 2009.
(8) “Democracy is dead” says UKIP leader, as Labour take 100% of postal votes surge in one area” – http://www.express.co.uk – Dec 5, 2015.
(9) “Farage claims “perverse” Labour win in Oldham” – http://www.express.co.uk – Dec 5, 2015.
(10) “Oldham by-election: Police could be called in to investigate complaints about Labour victory.”: http://www.telegraph.co.uk – Dec 4, 2015.
(11) “Whitehall in denial over extent of UK election fraud, says Eric Pickles.”: http://www.the guardian – August 13, 2015.
(12) “Here is how the Election in the UK was rigged.” http://www.youtube – May 8 – 2015. For further information on the huge potential for vote fraud in the UK, watch the interview between Ian R Crane and Brian Gerrish, on Crane’s website, The Crane Report. In it both men discuss the extraordinary fact that the brother of a very senior member of the British Tory Party, Peter Lilley, runs the firm that controls the postal voting system in the UK. It should be noted that Crane and another leading British anti-EU activist, David Noakes, have both said the 2009 Irish Lisbon referendum was definitely rigged. Indeed Noakes says he believes that the first 2008 Irish Lisbon referendum was also rigged – by 20 per cent, and when that didn’t work they rigged the second one by 40 per cent.
(13) Petition: Rerun the Rigged 2015 UK election.
(14) “SNP Election Landslide Proves Referendum Was Rigged, Claims Russian Official”: http://www.herald.scotland.com – May 10, 2015. This Russian election official wasn’t being wise with hindsight. Russian monitors at the Scottish referendum stated at the time that the vote had been rigged; the election result seven months later only served to add much more weight to their allegations.
(15) Scotland Independence Vote Rigging Exposed”: http://www.youtube – 19 Sep, 2014.
(16) One news item I was unable to locate on the internet, in spite of a very exhaustive search, was a report that appeared in most major Irish newspapers in 2008, in which the then Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister), Brian Cowen, was caught on a live mike in the Irish Dail (parliament) referring to the leader of the Fine Gael opposition party and his colleagues, as “Freemason f…ers”. Quelle surprise, a short time after this episode, Cowen was deposed as leader of the then governing Fianna Fail party in a palace coup – orchestrated with the help of the British intelligence controlled Irish media. The man he referred to as a Freemason f…er, Enda Kenny, became Irish Taoiseach in 2011, and following last Friday’s Irish general election, it looks likely that he may assume the same role in the next Irish Dail – albeit with a reduced number of parliamentary colleagues. Kenny’s coalition government has not only legalised abortion and SSM – it has also imposed a Rothschild/Goldman Sachs regime of draconian austerity, and has further exacerbated Ireland’s massive immigration problem. Irish media reports about Cowen’s “Freemason f…er” outburst have clearly been very comprehensively deleted from the internet. Indeed a few years ago, when I searched for this intriguing item, I could find only one reference to it, and that was in a local newspaper in New Zealand (!). Even there however, the f word had been expurgated – not the expletive f-word I hasten to add – the “freemason” word!


  1. Thought that there was a chance in this ambitious series to hear something substantial in critiqueing Hoffman.
    About Luther, which few seems to have read, one could at least say that it was of great importance, when he criticised indulgencies. They are still with us. Isn’t that one of the really important issues of what he accomplished. And further, is there anyone of you who really think that you are saved by works?

    1. My piece wasn’t meant to be “ambitious” – whatever that means in this context. It arose simply from my challenging Hoffman on his blog about his repeated whitewashing of the Reformation. When I took issue with him on points of fact, he closed down the discussion in a huff. I made a few criticisms of this behaviour in the comments here, and Tim very graciously invited me to expand on those points. That’s all. Lack of time precluded me from going into too much depth. My central point was and is that Hoffman uses absurdly diverging standards of evidence when it comes to Catholics and Protestants. Thus he treats the strongest possible denunciations of usury and freemasonry from popes as evidence of nothing but hypocrisy, but touts far more mealy-mouthed criticisms of usury from fairly obscure Protestant divines as proof that Protestants were in general anti-usury zealots.
      It should go without saying that his method here is completely ahistorical, in the sense that what he says is unfalsifiable. It is impossible to prove someone’s sincerity. For example anyone can accuse David Duke of insincerity in his attacks on Jewish supremacism. In fact I believe he has been so accused. I have plenty of criticisms of Dr Duke, yet I’m fairly certain he’s sincere, but I can’t prove it. Likewise I’m 100 per cent certain that Hoffman is talking through his hat about the popes being hypocrites in their condemnations of usury, but I can’t prove that either. Quite simply you can’t prove a negative.
      Thus the onus is on Hoffman to prove his allegations of papal insincerity – something he has consistently failed to do. The closest he comes is vague waffle about the Fuggers and Hermeticism. When he’s challenged to provide facts to back up this waffle, he refers readers to his books, but as I pointed out to him, if he has facts to back up his anti-Catholic accusations there’s nothing stopping him adducing them in his blog articles on the subject. It’s not as if he hasn’t returned to anti-Catholic themes again and again in posts.
      What I CAN prove is that Calvin, – the founder and leader of the cutting edge Protestant faction in Europe – radically departed from many centuries of Christian teaching on usury, and what I can also prove is that Protestants played a decisive role in the rise of usurious capitalism. Thus, on the one hand, you have the evidence of the popes, who unequivocally condemned usury and freemasonry, and on the other you have the evidence of Calvin, who endorsed usury, and Luther who endorsed alchemy and other occult practices. Yet, Hoffman, the self-styled anti-usury, anti-“cryptocracy” zealot, sides every times with Protestants against the Church. Go figure.
      By the way, I’m not sure how seriously I should take comments questioning my knowledge of Luther from someone who talks about “indulgencies”. I presume “indulgences” is the word you were looking for.

  2. I’ll come clean! I had a few drinks last night. I’m not accustomed to alcohol, hence the garbage that I posted. I guess the old adage is true: never post on blogs while under the influence.

    1. For such a ‘boring piece’ it must have been bugging you for over a month, since you decide to revisit it to comment again now after having previously done so on January 22nd.

    2. You’re entitled to your opinion Sir. I make no claims of literary merit for my article. It may or may not be boring to point out that a completely chance recount revealed that 3,000 votes (a huge number in a smallish rural constituency of a small country like Ireland) were stolen from one candidate and given to another in a very important election, and that this scandal was completely ignored by the Irish media, the Irish police and the Irish authorities generally. However I would argue that it’s important information – whether or not people find it exciting. I would further argue that these facts alone seriously undermine the credibility of the voting process in Ireland, and by extension the credibility of the result of the Irish “gay marriage” referendum. I would also argue that some of the other information in my article, such as the disgraceful open support for SSM by the association of the Irish police, is likewise salient in evaluating the credibility of the official result of this referendum.
      There’s a growing recognition among many persons (not necessarily all “alternative” types) that modern Western elections and referendums are not necessarily what they appear to be. Perhaps you disagree with this perspective, in which case – in the interests of full disclosure – you should put your cards on the table. If, on the other hand, you agree with my central point – that the results of elections and referendums throughout the West are open to fraud – there’s nothing stopping you writing a more interesting/exciting piece on the subject.
      I wrote the piece in response to Mr Hoffman taking the SSM result completely at face value, and using it to continue his long running vendetta against the Catholic Church. I would have thought this was rather paradoxical behaviour on the part of someone who spends much of his time lacerating the western political elite for systemic corruption and subservience to Judaic supremacists. If the “cryptocracy” are crooks, liars and occultists, surely it’s something of a stretch to place unquestioning trust in their conduct of something as vital to their plans as the voting process.

  3. a very interesting report. I have a gut feeling, that vote fraud is also going on here in Switzerland. In 2014 the political initiative to bring our gold reserves (located mainly in the USA) back to Switzerland “was voted down”. Last week-end, the a new law to expel repeatedly criminal foreigners out of the country and a law to abolish discriminating taxing of married couples, compared to non-married couples “were also voted down”. (the law concerning tax-reform defined marriage “bondage between man and woman”, which was obviously very unpopular with TPTB)
    I am assuming, that the fraud is mainly done with “postal voting” and certainly with “digital voting” of Swiss citizens residing abroad.
    Digital voting for local citizen is also very high on the agenda of our political establishment. In our community, the voting commission included a married couple, both with strong evangelical background and reportedly well known friends of Israel… Having such a couple in a sensitive position did so far not ring any alarm bells at all…

    1. Marylou, get sober! Indulgencies are fake. Hoffman is right on! Trycto concentrate on the subject, rather than flying away on your FEELINGS.
      Thank you!
      And God Bless

    2. Arne: the only one ‘flying away on their feelings’ is yourself. YOU are one who needs to concentrate on the subject which has nothing whatever to do with indulgencies.
      First you insult me then say ‘thank you’ and ‘God Bless’.Take your typical protestant fundie hypocrisy and shove it!

    3. Caveman: thanks for that. It’s disappointing to hear that Switzerland, a country which used to be known for its independent citizenry, is now also in the grip of the Israel Firsters. My own sense is that vote fraud is now a coordinated phenomenon throughout the west, and I think the “alternative” community is beginning to wake up to this at long last. After all it’s pretty irrational to believe that the powerful cabals which systematically lie in order to instigate massively bloody wars, and which facilitate huge bankster theft, false flag terror, and so on, will somehow draw the line at rigging elections and referendums.
      Postal voting, as you say, facilitates vote fixing – not only because such a method of voting is so open to fraud itself, but also because it enables potential vote riggers to know beforehand the likely voting patterns on election day, and thus aids them enormously in getting their rigging margins right.
      Incidentally in my Footnote No. 12 to the above article, I incorrectly stated that Brian Gerrish and Ian R. Crane said that the brother of senior Tory Peter Lilley, owns the company which administers the postal voting system in the UK. In fact, having looked at their video again, they actually say something even more incriminating – it’s not Lilley’s brother who owns this company: it is Lilley himself! Apologies for the mistake.

    4. Peter Lilley’s name has been mooted in regard to the Parliamentary paedophile ring; along with that of his good buddy, Michael Portillo.

  4. RTE Stands for Rigging the election
    EU to raise concerns over concentration of media ownership in Ireland
    Analysing the Media Coverage of the Irish General Election
The Company’s strategy is to increase its share of the global rock-drilling … Dublin 18. Ireland. Principal Bank: Allied Irish Banks plc. Shannon. Co. Clare … The Mincon Group has delivered another strong performance in 2014 … of trading in Peru. … exploration,
    Biased media, Election 2016.
    Cork County Council will not investigate vote claims
    Monday, March 07, 2016
    Maura Healy-Rae to take over father Danny’s council seat
    Monday, March 07, 2016
    Enda might Aswell stay in. there is no one else to run government I grew up around enda Kenny the day he fot into power he changed he was broken. It’s not him who needs changing its his advisor’s
    His Advisors ! When a nan surrounds himself with Yes men & cannot make a decision himself – He is an idiot & a fool. His ‘advisors’ knew nothing of the feeling on the ground – They spent too much time in their Ivory Tower. Says a lot for the other FG TDs who allowed Endas advisors to run the show – The Wonderly Wagon Show.
    Polling-time error saw some islanders miss voting
    Concentration of Irish media ownership ‘high risk’
    “Garda Union Urges Members To Vote Yes In Referendum”
    April 21, 2015.
    (2) Baroness O’Loan “appalled” at Garda referendum intervention” – IrishTimes.com – April 30 -2015.
    (3) “Ombudsman Reviews European Vote Investigation”: http://www.villagemagazine.ie
    April 2, 2010.
    (4) “Vote Manipulation in Ireland in Run-up to Lisbon 2 “: http://WWW.youtube
    Sep 22, 2009.
    (5)” Irish Referendum Count At Cork City Hall”: http://WWW.youtube
    October 7, 2009: This short video exposes the complete lack of supervision at one of the major vote counting centres for the crucial rerun of the Irish EU Lisbon Treaty referendum of 2009. It should be noted that the outcome of this referendum had vital implications, not just for Ireland, but for the whole EU integration project.
    (6) “Ballot Box Problems, Broken Laws Cast Doubt on Irish Lisbon Referendum Result.” corbettreport.com – 8 October 2010.
    (7) “Lisbon Referendum in Ireland Was Rigged”: The Tap Blog – Oct 5, 2009.
    (8) “Democracy is dead” says UKIP leader, as Labour take 100% of postal votes surge in one area” – http://www.express.co.uk
    Dec 5, 2015.
    (9) “Farage claims “perverse” Labour win in Oldham” – http://www.express.co.uk
    Dec 5, 2015.
    (10) “Oldham by-election: Police could be called in to investigate complaints about Labour victory.”: http://www.telegraph.co.uk
    Dec 4, 2015.
    (11) “Whitehall in denial over extent of UK election fraud, says Eric Pickles.
    http://www.the guardian – August 13, 2015.
    (12) “Here is how the Election in the UK was rigged.” http://www.youtube
    May 8 – 2015. For further information on the huge potential for vote fraud in the UK, watch the interview between Ian R Crane and Brian Gerrish, on Crane’s website, The Crane Report. In it both men discuss the extraordinary fact that the brother of a very senior member of the British Tory Party, Peter Lilley, runs the firm that controls the postal voting system in the UK. It should be noted that Crane and another leading British anti-EU activist, David Noakes, have both said the 2009 Irish Lisbon referendum was definitely rigged. Indeed Noakes says he believes that the first 2008 Irish Lisbon referendum was also rigged – by 20 per cent, and when that didn’t work they rigged the second one by 40 per cent.
    (13) Petition: Rerun the Rigged 2015 UK election.
    (14) “SNP Election Landslide Proves Referendum Was Rigged, Claims Russian Official”
    May 10, 2015. This Russian election official wasn’t being wise with hindsight. Russian monitors at the Scottish referendum stated at the time that the vote had been rigged; the election result seven months later only served to add much more weight to their allegations.
    (15) Scotland Independence Vote Rigging Exposed”: http://www.youtube
    19 Sep, 2014.
    (16) One news item I was unable to locate on the internet, in spite of a very exhaustive search, was a report that appeared in most major Irish newspapers in 2008, in which the then Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister), Brian Cowen, was caught on a live mike in the Irish Dail (parliament) referring to the leader of the Fine Gael opposition party and his colleagues, as “Freemason f…ers”. Quelle surprise, a short time after this episode, Cowen was deposed as leader of the then governing Fianna Fail party in a palace coup – orchestrated with the help of the British intelligence controlled Irish media. The man he referred to as a Freemason f…er, Enda Kenny, became Irish Taoiseach in 2011, and following last Friday’s Irish general election, it looks likely that he may assume the same role in the next Irish Dail – albeit with a reduced number of parliamentary colleagues. Kenny’s coalition government has not only legalised abortion and SSM – it has also imposed a Rothschild/Goldman Sachs regime of draconian austerity, and has further exacerbated Ireland’s massive immigration problem. Irish media reports about Cowen’s “Freemason f…er” outburst have clearly been very comprehensively deleted from the internet. Indeed a few years ago, when I searched for this intriguing item, I could find only one reference to it, and that was in a local newspaper in New Zealand (!). Even there however, the f word had been expurgated – not the expletive f-word I hasten to add – the “freemason” word!
    How did the polls change in the run up to other recent referendums?
    History has shown us they’re not exactly a perfect science.
    May 16th 2015,
    May 16, 2015 – THE POLLS FOR the same-sex marriage referendum have been showing …. After the recent poll results in the UK general election, I am given to wonder if ….. Crazy thought, maybe the polls are correct but the results are rigged? …. I heard just the other day several debates on RTE, where the Yes side
    RedC Poll for Youth Council shows 74% support Children’s Referendum but concern at levels of understanding of amendment
    Friday, October 19, 2012
    Your Guide to The Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations
    Irish Referendum Count at Cork City Hall
    Keep a good eye on those ELECTION ballot boxes from here on in Remember this
    Oct 3, 2009
    Video taken at Cork City hall Ireland during Irish Referendum ballot box deliveries to the central ballot count center showing a man removing a ballot box from where they were to be stored to be ready for the referendum count next morning
    Reuters knew Irish referendum result before the count
    Published on Jun 6, 2012
    How could Reuters have reported the exact result of the irish Referendum on Euro News before the count even started ?? something stinks
    Residents on Clare Island have expressed concern about conflicting information in relation to polling times for voting in the General Election.
    Some voters registered on Clare Island received polling cards with incorrect voting times printed on them.
    As a result, a number of people travelled to the island’s only polling station on Thursday 25 February, only to find it had closed at 7pm, instead of 8pm.
    Voters on several islands cast their ballots a day before those living on the mainland.
    The Returning Officer for Mayo has said he understands the frustration of those who could not vote in the election as a result of the error.
    Fintan Murphy said he was not aware of the mistake on the day and only learned of the problem subsequently.
    Mr Murphy said he had run newspaper advertisements with the correct polling times for Clare Island in advance of the election and had given details on local radio.
    He said he understood that people would be aggrieved if they could not cast their votes.
    Keywords: election 2016
    Rigging the Irish Election Part 1 – Create cells of organisers
    Rigging the Irish Election in 5 easy steps
    Independent candidate claims election was ‘rigged
    Ireland general election: Irish PM admits his coalition has been rejected live
    David Cameron tells farmers that Northern Ireland’s economy and farming industry are too closely linked to the EU to risk leaving. Photograph: Liam McBurney/PA
    Whatever government is eventually formed in Dublin it may eventually be dealing with neighbours who are no longer fellow EU members. A British exit from the union would fuel fears in the republic that the border with Northern Ireland could be bolstered, freedom of movement restricted and most crucially of all, north-south and east-west trade (between Ireland and Britain) damaged.
    Parties across the Irish political spectrum have called on UK voters to choose the remain option in June’s referendum. And to bolster that vote, David Cameron is in Northern Ireland today, visiting the Bushmills whiskey distillery and meeting farmers. Indeed the prime minister reached out to Ulster’s farming community, which has relied heavily on EU subsidies since the UK entered Europe.
    In a speech in Ahoghill – a North Antrim heartland of the unionist farming community – Cameron told farmers: “I would say it comes down to a very simple argument, which is do we want a greater United Kingdom inside the European Union with the safety, the strength and the prosperity, or do we want a great leap in the dark?”
    He continued: “And I think particularly when it comes to farming you know what we have today – you know about the market access – you know about what we can do, and we could be putting all that at risk which I think would be very, very damaging for Britain’s farmers and for farmers here in Northern Ireland.”
    Updated at 2.05pm GMT
    Google plus
    27 Feb 2016
    Never one to miss a publicity opportunity, Respect party leader George Galloway has offered his two cents’ worth on the Irish elections:
    George Galloway ‎@georgegalloway
    The miscalled Irish Labour Party has been wiped out by the people. An ignominious end. These are the wages of sin ‪#IrishElection
    12:21 PM – 27 Feb 2016
    49 49 Retweets
53 53 likes
    In an earlier tweet the London mayoral candidate said: “Wish I’d stood :-)”
    Updated at 1.31pm GMT
    Google plus
    27 Feb 2016
    Appearing a little earlier here in Dublin, Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness dismissed suggestions that the party could have done better if its leader, Gerry Adams, had stepped aside.
    The Guardian’s Henry McDonald adds:
    Ireland’s former taoiseach Bertie Ahern had suggested on election day that Sinn Féin would have won an extra ten seats without being led by Adams, a figure which many in the Republic of Ireland feel is a reminder of the days of the IRA’s violent campaign.
    McGuinness, who was his key partner in the Irish peace process, dismissed any talk that Adams might step down as leader following this contest however.
    He said “I don’t know how you can say that” after fielding questions about the generation of leaders like him and Adams.
    Northern Ireland’s deputy first minister said there would be a “dramatic increase” in the Sinn Féin share of the vote compared to the 9.9% they gained in the 2011 general election.
    It was the most indecisive Irish general election in decades: an election with no clear winners which raised more questions than answers.
    As counting continues, Fine Gael’s Enda Kenny looks set to continue as taoiseach, with the largest opposition party, Fianna Fáil, respecting a “political ceasefire” to allow a minority Fine Gael-led administration to govern in the short term.
    What does the election say about the state of politics in Ireland? Below is a selection of readers’ takes on what it all means. Agree? Disagree? Share your own thoughts in the comments section below.
    “A large portion of the Irish electorate is sick and tired of the traditional and mainstream parties”
    28 February 2016 9:39am
    This election is a massively significant realignment of Irish politics. There are a few things to take away from these election results as they trickle in. A significant thing to see is that a large portion of the Irish electorate is sick and tired of the traditional and mainstream parties. The large number of independent candidates and candidates from small parties elected is unprecedented. The local nature of Irish politics and the PR electoral system has enabled independent candidates to flourish in ways that they couldn’t in other European democracies.
    It’s a terrible weekend for the Irish Labour Party, They’ll be lucky if they have the 7 TDs that will give them formal speaking rights in Dáil Éireann. It’s not a great weekend for Fine Gael either. The ‘Keep the Recovery Going’ message didn’t ring with the majority of people especially as FG have made a balls of the health service.
    This election has made clear that Gerry Adams continues to be a complete liability of Sinn Fein. Will the likes of Pearse Doherty and Mary Lou McDonald have the balls to instigate a palace coup and get rid of him?
    FF is on the slow road to recovery. Its seems that Irish people have short memories. It looks like a grand coalition between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael is the most likely option. Will it be the end of civil war politics? Although it might not be evident to external observers, there is a massive amount of bad blood between the parties. Despite there not being a fag paper between most of their policies there is a real bitterness between the two parties. Local rivalries and personality clashes that have been incubated since the founding of the state. If they go into government together. I don’t reckon it’ll be massively stable.
    I say the Irish people could be going back to the polls before the year is out. Interesting times lie ahead!
    Irish PM Enda Kenny attacks bankers June 28th 2013
    ‪More lies by Irish Government as Property Tax pays Bondholders‬
    Jul 26, 2013
    How will the Irish people react to this? Will there be ANY reaction?
    ANGLO IRISH BANK RECORDINGS. Hear how we were robbed.
    June 24th 2013
    Anglo Irish Bank Recording, The Central Bank Meeting
    Jun 29, 2013
    John Bowe & Peter Fitzgerald speaking in September 2008.
    Anglo Irish Bank Recording 2 – The Playbook
    Jun 29, 2013
    John Bowe & Peter Fitzgerald speaking in September 2008.
    Anglo Irish Bank Recording 3 The Strategy
    Jun 29, 2013
    John Bowe & Peter Fitzgerald speaking in September 2008.
    Anglo Irish Bank and the part it played in Ireland’s economic collapse by Simon Carswell
    Mar 11, 2014
    This presentation discusses Anglo Irish Bank’s early days and its move into the property and developer niche. It covers the ‘relationship banking’ model where Anglo worked with developers during the day and entertained them at night. The story developed as we moved into the boom years caused by access to cheap funding through being in the Euro and the rise in house prices.
    Following the crash and the infamous night of the bank guarantee Simon outlines what the bank bailouts are costing the State, and also details some of the dubious practices since uncovered that the bank was using to try and cover up its problems.
    This talk was part of ‘The Irish Economy. What happened? What next?’, a series of talks held at Dublin City Public Libraries during March 2012.
    ‪Whatever happened to Ireland? | Prof Morgan Kelly | UCD Economics Society‬
    Mar 7, 2014
    Professor Morgan Kelly of the UCD School of Economics speaks to the UCD Economics Society about how several peculiarities of the Irish economy pose threats to our future recovery.
    UCD Economics Society: http://www.facebook.com/ucdeconomicss
    When Irish ayes are voting

    Personation, the act of passing yourself off as someone else for voting reasons was at one time rife throughout Ireland. So much so that Garrett Fitzgerald once commented on the occasion of a Belfast by-election: “The fools the fools, they have left us their Fenian dead…”
    It seems that the time-honoured practice is still with us. Last week a 28-year-old student from Leitrim, Michael McTigue, was fined ¤800 for the offence under the Electoral Act. Mr. McTigue, the first person to be prosecuted since the act was passed in 1992, pleaded guilty to attempting to vote twice in last year’s general election.
    The fine may seem a bit harsh seeing as how we’re always complaining about voter apathy amongst young people. Here’s somebody who is very enthusiastic — OK, maybe a little bit too enthusiastic — but gets no thanks for his keen interest.
    Up North, where “Vote early and vote often” is the watchword of many of the parties, Michael would have been regarded as merely doing his citizen’s duty.
    Personation takes many forms. Favourite targets for the personators are those who are known to be away at the time of an election, or those who are regarded as extremely unlikely to vote — either because of indifference, or because they’re dead. Although voters might be happy sunning themselves in Spain or enjoying their eternal rewards in we-know-not-where, their electoral papers are still being happily used, casting votes for the local candidate.
    One of the most bitterly contested seats in the last general election was between the SDLP and Sinn Féin in West Belfast. In that ward, according to Pat Bradley retired Chief Electoral Officer, the result (which saw Gerry Adams elected) was not much affected despite there being widespread personation, as it appears to have happened across the board. It was a case, said Pat, of a ballot paper in one hand, and another ballot paper in the other.
    Meanwhile, in the Republic, election-rigging has not been unknown, particularly during the Haughey era. A solicitor called Pat O’Connor acted as Charlie Haughey’s election agent in the 1982 campaign. Pat took his job very seriously, to the extent that after the election he was charged with voting in Malahide and a couple of hours later in Kinsealy. The charges against “double agent” O’Connor were ultimately dropped (amidst more allegations of chicanery) but forever after Charlie’s chum was known as Pat O’Connor Pat O’Connor.
    Betting Odds and Election Outcomes
    The Independence Referendum- Predicting the Outcome1 David N.F. Bell
    Harper’s Magazine, November 2012
    Was The Vote Rigged In South Kerry Too?
    Dominic Hyde at 9:56 am June 29, 2011
    Michael Healy Rae Phone Call
    June 29th 2011
    Mayo Candidate claims Election was Rigged – Promises High Court Action
    Discussion in ‘General Election 2016’

    1. Rita Cahill: Some great information there. Very well done. “RTE stands f Rigging The Election” – brilliant!

  5. Mary Louise: Nothing would surprise me on that score, but I haven’t read up much on those allegations. I’ve criticised the media, the trads and the Church bureaucrats for condemning Catholic priests without a proper investigation, so I’d hesitate to condemn these guys without knowing a lot more. I HAVE read up on Heath, Janner and Brittan, and there’s no doubt in my mind that they certainly were rapists/paedophiles. The amount of disinfo that’s been retailed in the media about Brittan in particular is off the charts. For instance it’s been repeatedly said that the flatmates of the woman who accused him of rape, debunked her allegation – which is a complete travesty of the facts: not only did they not debunk what she alleged – they supported it. And notice too how the MP, Simon Danzcuk, who was investigating establishment paedophile rings, was set up with a teenage dominatrix, and is now completely neutralised.

  6. Rita Cahill: One thing I would say is that if you’re looking for objective coverage of vote fraud in Ireland, the last place you’re going to get it is in Masonic Mi6 controlled rags like the “Irish” Daily Mail, the “Irish” Independent (aka the Freemason’s Journal) and “Rigging The Election” RTE. Their stock in trade is to accuse others of what they and their masters habitually do themselves. You’ll read endless bellyaching about the corruption (real and alleged) of the likes of Charlie Haughey, Liam Lawlor, Ivor Callelly, and so on. But the Irish Anglo-Masonic media NEVER spill the beans on their own friends – the Peter Sutherlands, the Alan Shatters, the Mary Robinsons, the Emmett Staggs, and the criminal ex-Workers Party cabal that controls the Labour Party. Nor indeed will they ever mention the Freemasons themselves in a negative light. That’s why it’s often so frustrating to talk to Irish people about corruption in high places. It’s not that they don’t believe such corruption exists – they do – but they’ve been utterly brainwashed by the Masonic presstitutes into believing that it’s all down to the Catholic Church, Charlie Haughey, Ray Burke, Sinn Fein, Opus Dei and of course, those mythical creatures, “the Fianna Fail builders”.

    1. Mary Louise, Thanks a million for that – I only had time to listen to the first 20 or so minutes of it so far (I’ll listen to the rest later on) but it is absolutely explosive stuff. I had just about heard of Chris Fogarty from a piece about him on Henry Makow’s site a few months ago, and I’ve been meaning to check him out ever since, but I never got around to it – until now.
      There’s so very much to say about even those 20 minutes, but for now I’ll just say that as an Irish person I can testify that everything he says about the corrupt shills of Irish academia is all too true.
      And how telling that the US law enforcement authorities act like gillies for the Rothschild British Empire! Many “conservative” Britons, including some well meaning alternative types, assume in a knee-jerk fashion that Britain is America’s lapdog, but most of the hard evidence suggests the reverse. A photographer/magazine designer who lectured me in college and who had a fairly senior position in Conde Nast publishing in New York, told me about 20 years that EVERYONE in US publishing was British.
      And the “special relationship” is a distinctly one-sided affair. The British Zio-media and its satellites disseminated strongly anti-American propaganda throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s (nowhere more so than in Ireland). It was only when the Zionist Neo-cons and Zionist liberal interventionists had completed their take-over of the whole US political system, that the BBC and the Guardian started tut-tutting about the “anti-Americanism” of sections of the British left, and sent relatively sincere leftists like John Pilger and Galloway to the intellectual equivalent of the Gulags.
      Also the idea of the British Empire as a force for conservatism, much less Christian conservatism, is a bad joke. The Scottish anti-Catholic Whig historian Niall Ferguson argued in a documentary a few years ago that the Empire played a key role shaping the modern world, and that if you opposed the Empire you were really opposed to modernity. He was right of course.
      I’m not anti-English or anti-British – I just get frustrated that so many people ignore the huge historical and current role of specifically British Judaeo-masonry in the shaping of the NWO. I suspect part of the reason so many right-wing Catholics fail to understand this is because they’re seduced by the pseudo-traditionalist trappings of modern Britain – the monarchy, a state “church”, and lots of pomp and ceremony. But that’s the equivalent of assuming that a packet of processed cheesed is healthy and wholesome because it’s got a nice picture on its front of cows grazing in a meadow.

  7. Mary Louise: I’ve listened to the whole of the Fogarty interview. The guy is a real hero, as is his wife.
    I found his views on the Neocons very interesting. It’s a little remarked upon fact that there’s a very close relationship between Neo-conservatism and “Ulster” Unionism. In fact offhand I can’t think of a leading British Neocon or Zionist liberal interventionists who isn’t also a strongly philo-Protestant Unionist – Charles Moore, Michael Gove, Dean Godson, Paul Goodman, Julie Burchill, Matthew D’ancona, David Aaronovitch – and on and on.
    Significantly too, the likes of Moore and Aaronovitch have led the coordinated media onslaught against those who point to the existence of establishment paedophile wings – rings that clearly had a happy hunting ground in Northern Ireland during the troubles.
    Dean Godson is from an American Jewish family with close connections to the CIA, and, like Moore, was a mentor to Unionist leader David Trimble – an avid supporter of Zionist military invasions such as Iraq. According to Sean McPhilemy’s book, “The Committee”, Trimble played a key role in coordinating loyalist terror squads in Northern Ireland. Trimble sued McPhilemy over the book – and lost. Trimble was also close to an ultra-Zionist/Unionist cabal in the Dublin media – most of whom are former members of the Workers Party – a British intelligence black operation that infiltrated the IRA and Sinn Fein in the 1960s, and split the movement – with the Workers Party-“Official IRA” (as opposed to the much more widely known Provisional IRA) becoming staunch apologists for Masonic British rule. The WP-OIRA cabal were the cutting edge of the anti-Catholic anti-Irish movement in Ireland – and former members have admitted on the record that they ran a huge criminal empire of murder, armed robbery, drugs, protection rackets, prostitution, money laundering and so on – and that the British authorities in the North collaborated with this empire. They also infiltrated the trades unions, the judiciary, and above all the media in the Republic of Ireland. Much of the anti-Catholic hate campaign of recent times is their doing – in collaboration with Freemasons, their allies in other Irish anti-Catholic media, the Murdoch press and the BBC.
    Fogarty didn’t mention Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness in the interview, but I’m guessing he takes a very dim view of these guys. The evidence that they have been British moles for years is now pretty overwhelming in my view. After the IRA split in the late 1960s, the more socially conservative nationalist faction formed the Provisionals. Adams initially stayed with the Officials, but apparently eventually decided (or was directed by his handlers?) to join the Provisionals. In the 1970s he seized the leadership of that group from its original founder, and duly turned it into another left-wing anti-Catholic pro immigration pro-abortion Chuck Feeney funded party. The end result was the Good Friday Agreement, which as Mr Fogarty says, freed up the British to wage war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.
    The links between loyalist terrorist groups such as the UVF and UDA and the Israelis are well documented, as are such groups’ ties to the “Russian” mafia. Paisley too was an ultra-Zionist (I often wonder did John Hagee copy some of his style from him) and a close associate of known paedophile terrorists and MI6 assets, William McGrath and John McKeague.
    The point of all of this is that you don’t have to do much digging to discover the links between Zionism and British Protestant masonry – they’re everywhere you turn, so it’s no wonder the likes of Fogarty get persecuted – even in the USA.

  8. Charles Moore, who ‘converted’ to Catholicism when the Church of England decided to ordain women but who never dreams of defending the Church against the sustained media hate campaign, threw his toys out of the pram when Thatcher died claiming that the media was giving too much publicity to her detractors. He has resigned from his position as editor of ‘The Telegraph’ to work on a biography, probably more hagiography, of Maggie.
    Being a fan of Maggie coupled with the facts which point to her Cabinet as having been Paedophile Central, it is understandable that he is frantically trying to keep a lid on things.
    Paisley had links to some of the most vicious, anti-Catholic, racist, ‘Christian’ Zionists in the US. He obtained his doctorate from Bob Jones University. So your theory that he copied some of his rhetorical style from the likes of Hagee could well be justified.

  9. Email response from Richard:
    “a very interesting report. I have a gut feeling, that vote fraud is also
    going on here in Switzerland. In 2014 the political initiative to bring our
    gold reserves (located mainly in the USA) back to Switzerland “was voted
    down”. Last week-end, the a new law to expel repeatedly criminal foreigners
    out of the country and a law to abolish discriminating taxing of married
    couples, compared to non-married couples “were also voted down”. (the law
    concerning tax-reform defined marriage “bondage between man and woman”,
    which was obviously very unpopular with TPTB)
    The three mentioned votes should have been accepted, given the current
    opinion of most people I know..
    I am assuming, that the fraud is mainly done with “postal voting” and
    certainly with “digital voting” of Swiss citizens residing abroad.
    Digital voting for local citizen is also very high on the agenda of our
    political establishment. In our community, the voting commission included a
    married couple, both with strong evangelical background and reportedly well
    known friends of Israel. Having such a couple in a sensitive position did so
    far not ring any alarm bells at all.”

    1. Thanks Richard: Great to hear a Swiss perspective on this – but also depressing to hear that even Switzerland is at the mercy of the Zio-crooks. As you probably know Norman Finkelstein’s book, The Holocaust Industry exposed organised Jewry’s “shakedown” of Switzerland – a shakedown that was, as usual preceded by an orchestrated international media hate campaign against the Swiss people. From what you say it sounds like the crooks have also been extending their control over all the vital levers of the Swiss state as well.

    1. You’re right Mary, it’s a very good piece. Burchill is the complete shill. My one quibble is when Atzmon says the only group you’re allowed to criticise is Muslims. Surely that’s Catholics – Burchill’s Catholiphobia long predates her Muzzie-bashing.
      There’s a glaring contradiction at the heart of the type of Zionist anti-Islamic rhetoric she specialises in. If she were really anti-Muslim, she’d hate Israel and the Neocons and Jewish supremacists generally, all of whom ardently promote Muslim immigration to Britain and the west. Not to mention the Israel/neocon/Anglo-US alliance with Isis and Al-Cia-duh, and their overthrow of non-Islamist regimes in Iraq and Libya – policies that massively fuelled such immigration. Burchill can’t be so thick that she can’t spot these contradictions, so one has to conclude that she’s writing from a Zio-script – as she probably always has been.

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