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Why both the Jewish press and neo-Nazis ignore Hitler’s sexuality

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
May 16, 2015 Anno Domini

The Jewish-controlled media and neo-Nazis alike have kept a tight lid on Hitler’s sexuality.  If the overwhelming evidence that Hitler was a homosexual were ever made known to the general public, the result could have disastrous effects for both sides.

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Hitler and leading Nazis like deputy Führer Rudolf Hess were homosexuals, despite the perception that National Socialism in Germany was the solution to the plague of decadence in the Weimar Republic and that the Nazis were vicious persecutors of homosexuals. I am sure the white nationalists that frequent this blog are going to bitterly attack me for this piece. Their typical excuse is that rumours of Hitler’s alleged homosexuality are all from Jewish sources trying to demonize the poor Nazis. I will show how this argument is absolutely impossible in light of the greater agenda of the Jewish Kahal.

Jewish motive for covering up Hitler’s homosexuality

The motive for the Jewish community to coverup Hitler’s homosexuality is deeply rooted in the cultural warfare waged by elite Jews against Western Civilization through the Frankfurt School and the Jewish-dominated intellectual movements in America during the early 20th century through to present time. Jews have argued, especially through the American Jewish Committee and its magnum opus propaganda piece The Authoritarian Personality (Adorno), that sexual repression inevitably leads to authoritarianism (a euphemism for the Catholic Church), repressive regimes, and, ultimately, Holocausts. In other words, Hitler and the Nazis rose to power as a result of reversing the decadent slide of the Weimar Republic and repressing everyone’s libidos. Therefore, sexual liberation is the only solution to world peace (and more specifically, the safety of Jews). Can you see the contradiction yet? If Hitler and leading Nazis were closeted, yet active homosexuals, how would that theory stand? If Adorno and the AJC were correct, the sexually liberated Hitler and the Nazis should have brought the most peaceful regime known to man, not the opposite. Obviously, then, public knowledge of Hitler’s apparent homosexuality would have imploded the authoritarian theory, upon which much of the Frankfurt school’s propaganda rests.

“Homosexualists Johansson and Percy promote the use of ‘outing’ (exposing public figures, past and present as ‘gay’) to influence public opinion about homosexuality and the ‘gay’ agenda. They advise that ‘[a]ctivists should clearly not out a notorious criminal or mass murderer as they would a famed medical missionary or celebrated inventor’ (Johansson and Percy:284). They acknowledge that ‘[a]pologists generally prefer to deny that homosexuality was widespread among Nazi leaders after the purge of Roehm and his associates….[although Italian ‘gay’ activist] Massimo Consoli has reversed this tendency by dwelling at length on the homosexuality of the early followers of the NSDAP (National Socialist Party). (Consoli is, however, a leading proponent of the ‘Gay Holocaust’ public relations ploy — Grau:5).'” —The Pink Swastika, pg. 74, chapter 5.


White nationalists are correct that Jews demonize Hitler at every opportunity. So, why don’t they do it in this case? Discussion of Hitler’s sexuality is not allowed in the media or academia. It is almost as taboo as Holocaust revisionism.

A more proximate motive for Jews covering up Hitler’s homosexuality is the deliberate and systematic escalation in the homosexualization of Christian society. How would the squeaky-clean, peaceful, loving, and caring image of homosexuals portrayed by the media look if everyone knew that homosexuals were capable of becoming Hitlers? Worse yet, how would it look if homosexuality contributed to the rise of mad men? Jews have spent far too long creating and polishing the homosexual lobby to mess it up by letting an inconvenient truth like Hitler’s homosexuality get in the way. In makes absolutely no sense for them to do this. There are hundreds of other ways to demonize Hitler, warranted or unwarranted. The homosexual agenda is the top priority right now. Hitler and the Holocaust dogma have been demoted, for the time being.

Neo-Nazi motive for covering up Hitler’s homosexuality
Neo-Nazis are typically socially conservative, at least in official policy, so it’s understandable why neo-Nazis would reject any notion that their leader were a closeted queer. National Socialism captivated Germany at a time when sexual excess rivaled Sodom and Gomorrah. Today, neo-Nazis view National Socialism as the quintessential bulwark against liberalism, multiculturalism, and especially homosexuality and its Jewish-controlled LGBTQ movement. To admit that you had been deceived by a homosexual conman is just too much for neo-Nazis. It would bring down their small world. And what identity would they adopt without Nazism?

Can’t join the Catholic Church, after all, it’s a Jewish creation, according to many neo-Nazis. So, denial becomes the party response.

Like the Holocaust dogma of Judaism, we can’t get a healthy public debate going to determine the truth of the matter. If Hitler and his leading Nazis were not homosexuals, truth should not fear investigation and we should be allowed to investigate it, with the full participation of the media and academia. As long as Jews control the press, academia, and intellectual movements, and neo-Nazis remain the de facto controlled opposition to Jews, we may never uncover the truth about Hitler’s sexuality.

(The documentary depicted at the top of this article is The Hidden Führer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler’s Sexuality.)

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