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Christian J. Pinto: Zionist espousing, what else, Jesuit conspiracy theories

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
April 1, 2014 Anno Domini

Since the displaced Jews of Spain and Anterp provoked the Protestant Reformation, there has been no end to the number of conspiracy theories that the Roman Catholic Church, the longtime enemy of Jewry, has supposedly been involved in.

These age-old lies, in the face of all the evidence to the contrary, still pervade popular thought throughout Protestant and conspiracy circles. Documentary filmmaker Christian J. Pinto of Adullam Films pulls out all the tired old slanders against the Church—all for the advancement of the Jewish-Protestant alliance in their goal of setting up a one-world millennialist kingdom unto their false messiah, ironic considering Pinto claims to oppose world government.

Lies and disinformation

Pinto carefully crafts conspiracy intrigue and Christian Zionist—specifically puritan-based—heresies into a neat little package in his films. Pinto draws in conspiracy enthusiasts through his film Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings and The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers, which show the Masonic origins of the founding of the United States of America—the new land being a fulfillment of the occultist fantasy of manifesting mystery Atlantis. Where Pinto can’t ignore the Jewish roots of America’s beginnings with the guiding magical wands of cabbalists Francis Bacon and John Dee, he attempts to neutralize the truth by diverting attention back to Jesuits-are-subverting-the-world conspiracy theories, which are specifically drawn out in his other films  A Lamp In the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible and Codex Sinaiticus: The Oldest Bible? Or a Modern Hoax? But even fellow Protestants can’t agree with Pinto and his wild Jesuit conspiracy theories. Reviewer Cris Putnam writes,

The film is centered on the idea that Codex Sinaticus or “Sinai Bible” was actually created as part of a Vatican conspiracy to undermine biblical inerrancy. I agree with Pinto and others that the Vatican has a vested interest in undermining Sola Scriptura and have argued vigorously that the Bible contradicts Rome’s theological traditions. So the idea is that Rome conspired to forge a Bible that differs significantly from the reformation efforts is plausible. However, Pinto’s conspiracy has huge gaping hole that seems fatal.

After watching the film and hearing Greek New Testament scholar Dan Wallace’s response, I am unconvinced that Codex Sinaticus is a forgery because the conspiracy is fundamentally incoherent.

There’s no discernible pay off for the conspirators. The movie did not present any evidence that modern Bibles help Catholic theology in any meaningful way or undermine inerrancy. In fact, I think the opposite is true.  The problem for the Tares Amongst the Wheat thesis is that Codex Sinaticus is just as caustic to Rome’s traditions as the King James Version.  You would think that if Rome were going to concoct a forgery they might include something about Mary or purgatory but this is not the case. Where’s the payoff for Rome? (Source)

Pinto a Zio-Calvinist heretic

Pinto is your typical Zionist shill accusing the Vatican of everything the world has know for 500-plus years that the Jews are responsible for. Make no mistake, the Vatican is now an agent of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, thanks to Jews and masons subverting the Church, especially during the buildup to the Protestant Reformation and the French Revolution, culminating in the Jewish-sponsored Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. But the true Church remains within the fractured Vatican as well as in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Protestantism has and always will be a Jewish perversion, a cheap imitation of the Church of Christ, right down to the sexually depraved Waledensians and Albigensians, whom Pinto specifically defends, giving away his puritan bias. In all of Pinto’s supposed unmasking of the freemasonic conspiracy, nowhere does he talk about the masonic hand in infiltrating and perverting the Vatican, as outlined in the Alta Vendita,or about the Jewish-Masonic orchestrating of the French and Russian Revolutions. As for the Jesuit order, it too was infiltrated by the Jewish-Masonic power structure in Europe, not the other way around as Pinto suggests. He ridiculously asserts that [pre-Vatican II] Rome and the Masons work together or, what’s more absurd, that Rome founded freemasonry. Incidentally, some of Pinto’s supposed online detractors accuse him of being a secret Jesuit agent and a Calvinist, even though Calvinism is considered utter heresy by the Vatican. Let’s not forget that Calvinism is as Jewish as they come, with it’s kabbalistic dualism, not to mention suspected Jew John Calvin being helped by Jews during the Reformation. In fact, Jews were the leading proponents of popularizing Christian heresy in the Middle Ages and thereafter as revenge against Christ and the Church. It’s difficult to tell who is more intellectually dishonest, Pinto or his strawman detractors. But they are correct that Pinto is a Calvinist. Historian E. Michael Jones expounds on the Jewish revolutionary spirit behind Calvinism and the Protestant Reformation:

The accusation that Protestants were Jews was not new. Calvin claimed an opponent “called me a Jew, because I maintain the rigor of the law intact.” Others claimed the Genevan reliance on “jure gladdi,” the law of the sword, to suppress dissent made Calvin “a Jew.” Calvin was a lawyer before he became a reformer; his reliance on the law to micromanage the minutiae of everyday life reminded many of Jewish proscriptions in Deuteronomy and Numbers. His notion that idolatry should be uprooted by military force was consistent with the Anabaptist reading of the Old Testament. His approach was a more refined, more sophisticated, and more legalistic appropriation of the Old Testament than the version that had inspired the Anabaptists in Muenster and the Taborites in Bohemia. The idea Calvin was a Jew or he was working for the Jews was, therefore, not new or far-fetched….

Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin were all students of Nicholas of Lyra, a Franciscan monk of Jewish descent who lived in the 14th Century. Nicholas got his ideas from Raschi, who was the conduit that allowed the Talmud scholarship of his father, Isaac of Troyes, to flow directly into Protestantism. Reuchlin was another conduit. When Pfefferkorn accused Reuchlin of being in the pay of the Jews to disseminate propaganda, the essential truth of the charge caused Reuchlin to issue a violent denial in his pamphlet Augenspiegel.  (E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History, Fidelity Press, South Bend, Indiana, 2008. pp. 340-341)

Is he shilling for the masons?
We know Pinto deceives his audience about the origins of Freemasonry and America. Freemasonry is a Jewish institution from A to Z, or more accurately, from Aleph to Tav. This is undeniable. Pinto doesn’t dispute this fact, he simply ignores it. Could this deception be due to Pinto’s own masonic affiliations? His Adullam Films production company produced A Lamp In the Dark at Pat Roberton’s Northstar Studios. Robertson, a notorious Christian Zionist and fake opponent to the New World Order, has long been suspected of being a freemason and is affiliated with the Illuminati-funded Trinity Broadcasting Network (chock-full of masons) through his own network Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). The term Adullam, referred to in the Old Testament, has Judeo-masonic implications by contemporary uses of the term. Pinto’s heretical DVDs are sold across the net, even on, guess who, Alex Jones’ online media empire. Jones, an ardent Zionist and suspected freemason, promoted Pinto in 2009 on Infowars and PrisonPlanet. Pinto is also promoted by fellow Judaizers Joseph Farah (World Net Daily) and David Bay (Cutting Edge Ministries). Bay is actually the executive producer of some of Pinto’s films.

What’s most interesting of all is Pinto’s membership with Jewish-created fraternity Tau Epsilon Phi, whose membership boasts of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jewish Agenda 21 technocrat Ray Kurzweil, and a whole host of anti-Christian Jewish entertainers, like Larry David, creator of Seinfeld, and Jerry Springer. The fraternity even developed an award in Pinto’s honour.

It seems Pinto’s revelations about the masons are 10o per cent certified kosher, which means he is allowed to expose them to a certain degree.

Protestantism and Zionism go hand in hand. Afterall, wasn’t that the ultimate goal of the Jews who provoked the Protestant Reformation…? To create a Crypto-Jewish front to wage war with Christ and His Church—in the name of Christ Himself. How clever. Pinto’s documentaries Megiddo: The March to Armageddon Bible Prophecy & The New World Order are as kosher as anything from the mainstream Christian Zionist pulpit, headed by stooges like John Hagee, Pat Robertson, and Jack Van Impe. There are no smoking guns in his films. His prophetical views ring of the old puritanical millennialism, which has since been refined by modern heretics like Cyrus I. Scofield, the father of modern Christian Zionism. Jones writes of the Jewish purpose for the Puritan heresy,

Viera’s reading of the end times got Menasseh thinking how he could use millennial expectation among the Puritans to Jewish advantage. So Menasseh encouraged these ideas among the English Puritans as a way of “furthering the ends of Jewish Polity.” Menasseh’s Politieia is the same as that of Maimonides. Its worldly nature and its existence in time stand out against the general Christian concept of the ‘Kingdom of the Spirit.'” He was both Marxist revolutionary and Zionist rolled into one, which Fisch recognizes when he links Menssaseh…. (Jones, p. 448.)

By the way, Pinto suggests that communism is a Vatican creation, showing his complete lack of basic history. To him, Jew commie Karl Marx was only a secondary player at best. It’s quite the shift in facts. It’s as if Zionist shills like Pinto make a list of all the crimes of Jews and switch the name of the perpetrator with whomever they want to indict.

The Judaization of England following the purging of Catholicism. The result of the the rotten fruits of apostate King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, John Dee, and Oliver Cromwell. So much for the Byzantine Solution.

Anyhow, the establishment of the Puritan movement was Jewish through and through. It helped the Jews remain in England despite heavy opposition following their mass influx into the country and a previous banishment edict by King Edward I in 1290. The Puritans passed off wild tales as Bible prophecy in order to convince England that its millennial fever was warranted (not unlike the millennialist fever of dispensationalism today) and would become the New Jerusalem. These tales culminated in the modern heresies of premillennial dispensationalism (futurist eschatology) and its many variants, which was brought to the New World along with Judeo-Masonic cryptocrats. Incidentally, the leading proponents of the transplanted Jewish-Puritan millenarianism were either Jews, Zionists, Masons or all three—men like John Nelson Darby, Cyrus I. Scofield, Charles Taze Russell, and Dwight L. Moody. Jones argues that Protestant movements such as the Hussites, Albigensians, Waldensians, and Puritans were more revolutionary than they were about correcting the perceived perversions of the Catholic Church, and he documents the role played by Jews in each of these movements.

Graetz similarly protrays the Reformation as “the triumph of Judaism,” a claim that many Catholics made in Luther’s day. Graetz applauds Luther’s early defense of the Jews…describing Luther’s sentiments as words “which the Jews had not heard for a thousand years. They show unmistakable traces of Reuchlin’s mild intercession in their favor. many hot-headed Jews saw in Luther’s opposition to the papacy the extinction of Christianity and the triumph of Judaism. Three learned Jews went to Luther and tried to convert him. Enthusiastic feelings were aroused among the Jews at this unexpected revulsion, especially at the blow dealt the papacy and the idolatrous worship of images and relics; the boldest hopes were entertained for the speedy downfall of Rome and the approaching redemption by the Messiah.”

Walsh claims the “stormiest preachers” of the Reformation were “of Jewish descent.” Michael Servetus, the first Unitarian, was influenced in his attack on the Trinity by Jews. Calvinism became a “convenient mask” for Jews in Antwerp after their expulsion from Spain, confirming that Protestants were half-Jews and adding to the suspicions of Catholic leaders. Dr. Lucien Wolf claims, “Marranos in Antwerp had taken an active part in the Reformation movement and had given up their mask of Catholicism for a not less hollow pretense of Calvinism. The change will be readily understood. The simulation of Calvinism brought them new friends, who, like them, were enemies of Rome, Spain, and the Inquisition. It helped them in their fight against the Holy Office, and for that reason was very welcome to them. Moreover, it was a form of Christianity which came nearer to their own simple Judaism. The result was that they became zealous and valuable allies of the Calvinists.” (Jones, pp. 268-269)

Further evidence of Pinto’s pandering to Jewry is apparent in another of his films, The Kinsey Syndrome, which I wrote about in depth a few years ago. In it, Pinto teams up with Jews Judith Reisman and one of his regular co-producers Joe Schimmel (Zionist Christian) in blaming the entire sexual revolution on Hitler and the Nazis. The film conveniently uses gentile window dressing in the form of pervert Alfred Kinsey to cover up the fact that the modern sexual liberation movement is a specifically Jewish movement. Throughout the film, one can hear the term “Judeo-Christian” thrown around as if it has validity, and like Pinto’s obsession with the Jesuits, he narrows his focus on the Nazis this time. Nazi conspiracy theories are another favourite disinformation tool of the Judeo-Masonic elite. Not only do they throw people of the scent of Jews behind many world crimes, they victimize the Jews over and over, as a means of creating a gentile guilt complex. Furthermore, Pinto’s portrayal of the Vatican is disingenuous. He is taking cheap shots at a Vatican that is not her former self. She has been infiltrated and corrupted by Jews and Masons.

Most prominent evangelical ministries in the United States are cointelpro operations, not to mention tax-exempt organizations that must follow the policies of the Zionist-controlled US government. Pinto is yet another Jewish proxy to add to the list. Unfortunately, many will likely be taken in by his lies, as he does tell some truth about the masons and the occult. That’s the gambit, the bait, the decoy. Half truths. The fact of the matter is, the Jewish conspiracy theory is as old as the Crucifixion of Christ, even talked about in the Bible, and there is far more evidence to back it up than either Jesuit or Nazi conspiracy theories. The Nazi involvement in the conspiracy against Christ and His Saints has been insignificant next to that of Judaism and freemasonry.

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