Update on now-released anti-Zionist political prisoner Brendon O’Connell

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
March 30, 2014 Anno Domini

Perth man Brendon O’Connell was released from prison in January this year and is back in the saddle. Prior to his arrest more than three years ago, O’Connell was getting in the face of Zionists and exposing the Israeli Mossad’s illegal activities in Australia. Here is a video update on his current status.

Part I

Part II

Here is a fascinating interview with many insights from a national security whistleblower: Brendon O’Connell taking questions from the web designer of http://SouthEastAsiaNews.org, recorded in a Merredin Roadhouse.

With a special Introduction from Stopfundingisraels’ Steve Johnson, the interview touches on Brendons’ three year jail term for racial vilification. It also exposes the inside machinations of the State Security Intelligence Group (SSIG) , the false promises and the pressure applied externally.
ORIGINAL FULL Brendon O’Connells First Fruits Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa17ViprJ6I

Here is O’Connell’s Tube Channel and Blog


  1. Tim, this guy, O’Connell, says he’s considering turning muzzie. Note big diff. btwn Christians and muzzies–Christianity provides a reasoning basis for those willing and capable. Muzzies just say u gotta OBEY ’cause God says so; Muzzie God doesn’t particularly care about humans–unlike the Christian God–Christ (Truth).
    ONLY way Jews will lose now is their money empire collapsing–which is actually happening before our very eyes. Now we only must survive, for as things collapse Jews will begin fighting one another.
    Interesting info fm O’Connell–I remember him too, fm a few yrs back.

    1. Brendon needs our prayers, especially if he is being taken in by Islam. Prior to his imprisonment, he was involved with the Orthodox Church, so hopefully he continues with it. I didn’t get from his interview that he was considering turning Muslim. I think he is just Muslim friendly. Noticed his blog links to Mark Glenn, a questionable character.

      1. Right near the very end of the vid, maybe couple mins just before end, he says he’s considered converting to Islam 3 times in last 15 yrs. Yeah, Glenn works for ZOG–says u have to be non-racist, hence moral before u can complain about Israel/Jews.

  2. //// March 21, 2016
    He’s back in again today for some more trumped up stuff!!
    pls ….details.

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