The Stratfor Infowar – Wikileaks reveals more on Kinky cointelpro Jones

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
Feburary 14, 2014 Anno Domini

A 2006 Stratfor email released by Wikileaks reveals discussion of putting Jewish “cowboy” Kinky Friedman on the ballot for the 2006 Texas gubernational election.

James Reynolds, professor emeritus of Texas A&M University-Commerce wrote to Stratfor on Feb. 1, 2006:

Avoid spring primaries so you can legally sign petiton to put Kinky Friedman on the ballot for governer (sic). As he says, “How hard can it be?”

Richard Samet (Kinky) Friedman, who ran as an independent democrat during the election, lost to incumbent Rick Perry during the 2006 Texas race, receiving only 12 percent of votes. Friedman vowed to run again in the 2010 election, but later backed out to seek the Democratic nomination for Texas Agriculture Commissioner. Friedman eventually lost that race as well.

Friedman is mentioned in other emails released through Wikileaks, including one where Stratfor employees were to attend a conference with Kinky as the key note speaker. Another email says, with a humourous overtone, that Friedman would better represent Stratfor than Samuel L. Jackson if one of the two were to promote the intelligence front in a way similar to James Earl Jones and CNN.

Who is “Kinky” Friedman?
Friedman attended the University of Texas at Austin and was a member of the Jewish-Masonic Tau Delta Phi fraternity, which was founded in the Jewish communist hub of Greenwich, New York. Greenwhich has served as a Jewish revolutionary folk-singing factory, so it’s not difficult to see through the phoniness of Friedman as a supposed cowboy. At some point while writing and singing music for “Kinky Friedman and The Texas Jewboys”, the charismatic son of Jewish parents from Chicago became a columnist for Texas Monthly, an Austin-based monthly publication produced by Emmis Publishing. Emmis, Hebrew for “truth”, was founded by Jews Michael R. Levy and Jeffrey Smulyan.

Alex Jones, KLBJ, and Kinky Friedman
Alex Jones got his start in media with the Emmis-owned KLBJ News Radio, from which Jones currently broadcasts his daily Infowars radio show. Emmis also happens to own NBC radio stations. Genesis Communications Network, which hosts the Alex Jones show, is an ABC affiliate, which is ironic considering Alex and the Infowars media empire are considered alternative news. It becomes no surprise then that not only has Friedman been a guest on the Alex Jones show more than once, Jones appears to have supported Statfor in its bid to put Friedman on the Texas governor ticket. I have not researched the lineage of Kinky Friedman, but he may well be related to fellow Austinite and Stratfor head George Friedman.

The top photo is of Alex Jones at the “The Flying Saucer”, Sept. 25, 2006. It appears to have been an event related to the campaign for Friedman’s run for governor. Below is another photo from the event which shows Alex Jones’ fellow partner in Zionist-shill crime, former Minnesota governor and Conspiracy Theory host Jesse Ventura.


  1. I agree in sentiment for ur disgust w. Jones and these Jews, but still it’s only guilt-by-association. Jones isn’t conscious, deliberate traitor–though he’s surely a dupe, which is execrable.

    1. Jones is too smart to be a dupe. He reads documents all day long, even when he’s sleeping. It would be bad for ‘business’ and that’s the true god of American Judeo-Protestianity.

      1. Greg: I don’t much disagree, but I think Jones is one of those “Judeo-Christians” who imagines there’s similarity/commonality of Christianity w. Judaism (stupid, I know–but this is what he, as well as lots of others think), and that Jews are among finest Americans. I wouldn’t say he’s CONSCIOUS, deliberate traitor–that’s all I’m saying.

  2. No excuses possible for Fat Alex “Germanic Death Cult” horseshit merchant Jones. It’s like Rabbi Michael Rivero’s “ignornace” of the horrors perpetrated by Jewish Communism. Simply not believable. Of course, they have to peddle mostly truth, that’s the nature of the disinfo racket.
    Kinky is a puke and I enjoy the similarity in his slogan with Rivero’s “He couldn’t be any worse.”
    A political Jew is a Jew is a Jew, I’m afraid. But we were warned.

  3. jones is all about the money and he gets lots of money from the patriotards. no doubt. however, there is something much more dangerous with him, did the jews approach him and say do this or do that? not sure. maybe. was it always this way from the start? i don’t think so. but someone did notice him and when they did his stock took off and now he is all over the place. to me the guy is a criminal and a two faced liar and a traitor to the cause.

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