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Kabbalah, crop circles, and UFOs: what’s their connection?

The Jewish hexagram.

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
May 5, 2013 Anno Domini

There are conspiracy theories aplenty related to phenomena like unidentified flying objects, the alleged existence of extraterrestrial beings, and crop circles. But none of the theorists behind them, especially the cartoonish ancient astronaut theorist David Icke, seem to make the obvious connection to the Judeo-Masonic plot, much less explain what their purpose is.

Firstly, here is a series of photos that will begin to illustrate this connection.

Unicursal hexagram crop circle. This symbol was made famous by 20th century occultist Aleister Crowley.

Another example of a Jewish hexagram carved into a crops.
The Jewish menorah, seven-pointed candlestick.
Variation of Menorah.
Masonic pillars with a black and white checkerboard floor, a motif throughout Kabbalistic Freemasonry.
The Kabbalah Tree of Life, or Sephirot.

Enough for you? How about these:

All-seeing evil eye of the Kabbalah or Illuminati with checkerboard.
Kabbalah’s “as above, so below” monistic concept of good and evil, also known as yin and yang.
Masonic Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Yin and Yang.
Illuminati pyramid with Masonic checkerboard.
A more obvious depiction of the Illuminati all-seeing evil (left) eye of ancient Egypt.

There are many more examples like these.

Raelian material conveying Kabbalistic concept of secret knowledge passed down through angelic beings. Notice the Jewish hexagram as the Raelian symbol, also the primary symbol for Judaism, Theosophy, and other occult belief systems.

Kabbalistic alchemical transformation through alien agenda

So, what does it all mean? Well, for years, the entertainment industry and the technocrats have been inundating us with UFO, ET, and robotic themes in order to prepare us for their endgame transformation. This delusion seems to be that eventually, we are going to be told or realize that ETs (aliens) are simply more evolved humans that have been trying to send messages to us and enlighten us.
This has come to be known as the ancient astronaut hypothesis, advocated by crackpots such as Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin, and so-called conspiracy researcher David Icke, who even advocates the Kabbalist concept of a holographic universe.  Messages from these “ancient astronauts” are contained in the form of mysterious crop markings (circles), as pictured above, or encounters with beings (alien abductions, angelic visitations). The complete externalization of the ancient astronaut hypothesis onto the masses will be the culmination of the Kabbalah-based scientific dictatorship’s alchemical transformation of mankind, a sort of transformation of everyone into the trans-humanist Jewish Golem character. This scenario is also the goal in Freemasonry, the New Age movement, and Theosophical groups. The Raelians and Scientologists believe that ET beings actually created us through genetic engineering. Virtually all occult groups agree in their trans-humanist goal for mankind, which is really just about establishing a greater system of control over slaves, not about enhancing and extending our lives as they claim.

A model of the Raelians’ proposed Elohim Embassy, which they plan to build in Jerusalem as the Third Temple. The embassy will connect humans with aliens, who will dock their spacecraft at the embassy. The rebuilding of the Solomonic Temple is the ultimate goal of Kabbalists and Freemasons alike. The last time the Jews attempted to rebuild the temple, in the third century AD, large fireballs emergedfrom the Earth and consumed the Jews, and glowing crosses appeared on those who survived. The Jews have not tried to rebuild it since.

The Raelians believe aliens—the Elohim from the Bible, they claim—created us and that Jesus, Buddha, and others are mere prophets. In addition to being strong proponents of radical leftist ideals (a communist Jewish invention), the Raelians, and even the Scientologists, are technocrats, which is a major component of the Judeo-Masonic Illuminati conspiracy. They believe that technology and things like genetic engineering have been passed down to us from our alien ancestors in order to help us evolve. The Book of Enoch and portions of the Bible tell a similar story; however, the so-called aliens passing down technology are actually fallen angels in Satan’s service. The Raelians’ use of the Hebrew rendering of God in the Book of Genesis, from which they arrive at their theological conclusion, is inconsistent. The Pharisaic Masoretic text (Kabbalah-inspired modern Hebrew translation of the Old Testament) tends to support their claim that God is considered a plurality of beings (Elohim), while other sources, like the much older and reliable Greek Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, reveal God as a singular being (Yachid or Echad, in the Hebrew). The former fits their scenario that god, or the beginning of evolution, is a group of alien beings. Other Biblical scholars claim that the seeming plurality of God in the Bible is a reference to His Kingdom or majesty and not to a plurality of beings. Regardless, the Raelians must use the Kabbalist-inspired rendering, because the true Biblical definitions do not fit their ancient astronaut story. For the last few years, the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series has been perpetuating the ancient astronaut hypothesis.

A book written by former Raelian cultist Daniel Vandinja linking the movement to Freemasonry and the New World Order. The book sources Jordan Maxwell, who appears to be an occultist disinformation agent, and Alan Watt, another questionable character in the patriot movement. An interesting read nonetheless.
Raelian illustration with Jewish hexagram on UFO.

Kabbalistic themes in alien abduction scenarios

Whether or not alien abductions are real, the claims of alleged abductees is important when trying to decipher the true source of the alien agenda. Whether it’s aliens telepathically warning their abductees of impending earthly disasters due to mankind’s activity (sounds like UN Agenda 21 propaganda, doesn’t it?) or giving them some sort of mystical universal enlightenment, it’s all harmonious with Kabbblah (Jewish magic). In magic, the witch of wizard is endowed with secret knowledge and special powers that enable him or her to manipulate matter, or to do as though wilt, the fundamental doctrine of Satanism and the occult. One interesting UFO encounter claim involved US Air Force Sergeants James Penniston and John Burroughs, who, upon investigating a UFO report in Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England in 1980, encountered a craft that infused them with a hidden message through binary code.


In Kabbalah, the universe is considered to be entirely numeric in nature, similar to what the character Neo discovers about reality in the movie The Matrix. In this Kabbalist universe, a magician can take on divine powers by tapping into this numerical system (gematria) or by reciting Hebraic letters or words, like the Tetragrammaton (also sourced in the Kabbalah-inspired Masoretic text). If Penniston wasn’t already involved in the occult in some manner, his experience was his first initiation.

Ancient astronauts’ trans-humanist destiny for mankind a feeble imitation of Jesus Christ’s Kingdom
This conspiracy against Christ and His Church hopes to hoodwink the masses using technological tricks, what the Bible calls “lying signs and wonders,” aided by fallen angels hell bent on dragging humans down with them into the pits of the abyss. Like in Freemasonry, where initiates are promised illumination if only they pledge their allegiance to the brotherhood and work their way through the degrees, the human population is being lured into this final alchemical transformation, promised the secrets of the universe and life extension through trans-humanist evolution. It’s Satan’s feeble attempt at duplicating Christ’s promise of eternal life through salvation in Him alone.
And since Jews have nationally rejected Jesus Christ, they have championed the Satanic trans-humanist agenda and are directing it today. They jealously and naively belief that through their alien-inspired technology, they can harness the creative powers reserved for God. While Jews and their Masonic Noahides get to transform into divine beings, they transform us goyim into their Golem servants—what they mistakenly expected the Messiah to do. In effect, they have declared themselves to be their own Messiah.

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